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How to operate Godrej Ritz Bio Locker?

Godrej Ritz Biometric Safe Locker, Upgrade to a worry-free life with advanced strength lockers. Built with double-walled construction that is 100X stronger than regular wooden cupboards. 

It makes the burglar’s chances of success very slim. A smarter mechanism that adds fool-proof safety to your locker, unlike solenoid-based locking systems. 

Can’t access your valuables because the batteries are weak and you can’t find the key? Just connect a USB to the locker providing an external power supply and voila, the safe is open.

Key features
Fingerprint capture using advanced optics
Fast and accurate verification for authentic access
Can store up to 30 fingerprint templates
Keypad auto freezes after consecutive wrong password attempts
Non volatile memory prevents password erasure, when the battery is low
Mechanical override available
In-built I-Buzz tamper alarm
Secret Compartment

Product Specification:-

Product Dimension in cm (HxWxD): 33 X 40 X 32
Weight: 22 Kg
Volume: 28 Liter
Lock Type: Biometric
Fire Resistance: Non-Fire Resistance
Intelligence: In-Built Alarm
Strength: 1000X (Advanced)

Features and Reviews Godrej Tijori
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Please get a power bank with a USB cable and try to connect to the locker. we have tried with my available power bank with charger cable to open the locker and from this way you can set again your Figures or use the emergency key to open the door from this, you can change batteries and set your required password.

यूएसबी केबल वाला पावर बैंक लें और लॉकर से कनेक्ट करने का प्रयास करें। हमने लॉकर खोलने के लिए चार्जर केबल के साथ मेरे उपलब्ध पावर बैंक के साथ प्रयास किया है और इस तरह से आप अपना Figure फिर से सेट कर सकते हैं या दरवाजा खोलने के लिए आपातकालीन कुंजी का उपयोग कर सकते हैं और इससे आप बैटरी बदल सकते हैं |


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