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How does Godrej UV Case disinfect viruses and bacteria?

Godrej UV Sanitizer Box

गोदरेज यूवी केस कैसे वायरस और बैक्टीरिया कीटाणुरहित करता है?

Godrej UV Case has a UVC-band ultraviolet lamp, with a very high frequency. The wavelength of 253.7nm is capable of damaging the DNA/ RNA code of the viruses & bacteria, triggering lethal mutation which prevents them from reproducing. Based on the model, sanitization takes anywhere between 4-12 mins. Care should be taken while the necessary steps mentioned in the user manual to get the most effective results.

 Godrej UV sanitizer cabinet is designed keeping all safety precautions in mind. One should avoid direct contact of any body part with the UVC light or directly looking into the UVC tube. Care should be taken while following the steps mentioned in the user manual to get the most effective results.

Killing the COVID-19 virus Because the COVID-19 virus (SARS-CoV-2) is so new, the scientific community doesn’t yet have a specific deactivation dosage. However, we know the dosage values for comparable viruses in the same SARS virus family are 10-20 mJ/cm2 using direct UVC light at a wavelength of 254nm; this dosage will achieve 99.9% disinfection (i.e., inactivation) under controlled lab conditions. In real-life, the virus is often hidden or shaded from direct UVC light, reducing UVC’s effectiveness. To compensate, researchers are applying dosages of 1,000 - 3,000 mJ/cm2 to ensure 99.9% deactivation, the current CDC disinfection goal.


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