How To Choose A Commercial Safe?

Although workplaces are on constant endeavor to go paperless today yet there are certain documents that you still need to have on paper. From your client contracts to license certificates to insurance documents, you need all these major documents in paper. Now, what if a fire breaks out in office or a sneaky employee steals a confidential business file? Such mishaps are not really uncommon and you must be extremely particular about secured storage of these crucial documents. A sturdy commercial safe will come to your rescue here. Office safes assure secured storage not only for your official documents but also for hard cash.
The contemporary market is flooded with a vast and versatile range of commercial safes to choose from. But not all would be suitable for your office. Thus, the post below extends some pro tips to help you choose the perfect office safe for your workplace.
An advanced burglar-resistant safe is a must for commercial spaces that handle volumes of hard cash every day. For example, petrol pumps, banks or retail stores.
Modern burglars are smart and they use state of the art equipments such as Power Drills and Oxy Acetylene to get access inside locked safes. Thus, regular safes with simple mechanical lock & key system won’t be able to prevent these modern burglars from accessing cash stored inside them. You will especially need burglar-resistant safes to keep the burglars at bay. For example- burglar-resistant godrej safes are strategically designed to withstand the modern tools (discussed above) used by burglars today.
Also look for a safe that is engineered with modern anti-fishing mechanism technology which assures strong resistance to pilferage attempts. In other words, the advanced technology makes forcing out cash from safes next to impossible.
Safe for Digital Media Tools
With the world getting increasingly digital, workplaces have to handle a broad range of digital media tools now. From CDs to flash drives to magnetic tapes, the list is pretty long. It’s to stress here that reaction of these digital media tools to gases and smoke is different from that of paper documents. If you store these computer media devices in a safe which is only meant for paper documents- you can’t protect your drives and CDs if a fire breaks out. Put simply, if you store major business details in computer media tools, you must get a safe that is especially designed for secured storage of digital media devices.
Fire-resistant safes
What if a fire breaks out in your office? Such mishaps are not really uncommon. And in times of fire accidents, people would be mostly busy to move out of the premise first to save their lives. Nobody will risk to gather important business documents and stored cash before getting out of the office. Safety of your employees is certainly important for you. But loss of major business papers would also mean a serious blow to your business.
Thus, it’s better to invest in fire-resistant safes as these are especially designed to keep the valuables inside the safe guarded from flames and smoke. For example, Godrej Fire Resistant Safe boasts intelligent Tongue & Groove design which prevent smoke or hot gases from creeping into the safe.
Make sure your fire-resistant safe is tested and accredited by independent international laboratories. It should also be able to protect the documents inside for at least 90 minutes. This way, the fire brigade will get enough time to reach your business premise and douche the fire before it could do any harm to the safe.
Tips on lock
You will find commercial safes in 3 major lock options today- mechanical, electronic and biometric.
The mechanical one can be opened and closed with a physical key. It’s simple to operate but you would be in serious trouble if the key gets lost or stolen. The electronic lock systems works through unique combination codes. It relieves you from the stress of lost or stolen key. However, if you are going for the electronic lock, make sure the safe model allows mechanical override. It will be handy if you somehow can’t recollect the combination code open the safe.
The biometric one is the option which opens and closes with fingerprint scanning. These safes are no doubt great but these models could be inconvenient for senior people.
Multi-purpose safe
Are you apprehensive of getting a safe in your office due to lack of space? Well, don’t worry, there are multi-purpose safes to help you out. The functionality of these safes is not limited to secured storage of documents and cash. The multi-purpose safes can also help your office in many other ways. For example, some multipurpose safes can even double up as desktop stands so that you don’t have to waste money and space in getting a separate stand for your monitor.
Tips on size
When it comes to commercial safes, there is no one-size-fits-all for offices. The size of your office safe will depend on the volume, shape, size and weight of things which you are planning to store inside the safe. So, your first task here is to make a list of things that you will need to store in your safe. Once you get a fair idea about the weight and size of the components to be stored inside, it will be easier to find the size of safe for your office.
Safes with isolated lock system
If you are taking a safe with drawers, go for options that offer isolated lock system for each drawer. It will ensure separate locks for individual drawers so that when one drawer is opened, others stay closed.
Final words
A quick search on the internet will reveal series of commercial safes to choose from. But don’t settle with the very first model and brand you come across online. Be careful to invest some time in getting a comparative study between the various brands, retailers and top models in the market. Check out the reputation of the brand and the retailer you are aiming for. Make sure to settle with a reputed brand and retailer. The model you choose must command a strong line-up of content customers.
Sanushaa Technologies Pvt Ltd has the entire range of Godrej commercial safes. Please feel free to contact us with your requirement.
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